License, support and donations

Because this product is free, we cannot guarantee any technical support! Your questions to address may not be replied. However we are anxious to please all donation senders.

Even if this program is free, it cost lot of author's time and effort. We declare this software as donationware. Please, send any donation by PayPal, by MoneyBookers, or by your CreditCard.

Donations by PayPal

You can use PayPal service for CreditCard payments or for payment by your PayPal account. Please, select currency and click to corresponding button:


Donations by MoneyBookers

  • Step 1: Open your free account – all you require is an email address. Registration is simple – Your account can be ready in just a few minutes.
  • Step 2: Upload funds to your account via bank transfer, credit card or cheque
  • Step 3: Simply send the required amount to authors email account:

Thank you very much!

en/support.txt · Last modified: 2009/06/06 10:06 (external edit)
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