Creation of a complex, custom-made, tailored business information system is based on mid- to lon-term partnership with the customer with mutual reliance. That's the major condition of successfully created and supported system.
The very first step toward a good system is a complex and in-depth analysis during which both the customer and the IS provider establish a good communication. The analysis makes the base for requirement definitions and so it is the very fundament of system creation.
The whole process of system creation should be divided in several distinct periods, during which the IS provider continuously communicates with the customer giving him/her up-to-date feedback how is the work going on. The whole IS is usually split into several modules which communicate each with others via strict interface. Those modules could be customer-tested separately which gives much more time for doing that. And therefore the whole system is both of higher quality and open for future development.
Our aim is to create high quality and robust systems based on high level drafts. They suppose to be both efficient and open for future needs. Which is a good cost saving strategy for our customers.